Design a range of posters to advertise events at The Buff Club.
For the last 20 years, The Buff Club has kept its disco ball spinning and established itself as an integral part of the Glasgow nightlife scene. The Buff Club were looking to maintain their brand identity whilst coming up with new, fresh visuals for their ever-changing line-ups.
The branding of Buff has always leaned into the more retro aesthetic, and The Buff looked to Passenger 8 to continue this design tradition.
The approach we took was to establish some firm rules in place for each individual night, around which we could diversify promotional material but maintain a layout that was unmistakably Buff.
An example would be with the recent redesign of their 'Legends Series' nights, with 3 fundamental elements always present; An outer frame, the name of the night in the centre, and an image of the artist below. These parameters mean we can adopt wildly different design styles to suit the theme and still retain a recognisable format that is tied to the venue.
For the last 5 years, Passenger 8 have been providing The Buff Club with posters, social media campaigns and other promotional material that has become a familiar sight in the Glasgow club scene.
Covering many different nights such as Buff Mondays, Hip-Hop Thursdays, Disco Juice and the newly-introduced 'The Overs,' we have worked on countless event campaigns with a variety of styles whilst keeping Buff's identity intact.
The new Legends Series range has variety between events whilst maintaining key rules with its layout.
With every event, various poster dimensions are created along with Social Media content.
A collection of previous posters before The Legends Series rebrand.
Every event has an accompanying profile picture for use on all Social Media platforms.